Links * Forest Industry
Modern Timber Harvesting with Timber Pro Joe
Did you Know?
New Hampshire’s forests cover 84% of the state. New Hampshire is the second most forested state in the nation. Therefore, the working forest is an important component of the state’s economy.
76% of the forests are privately owned, the remainder is owned by the federal, state and local governments. Most decisions about what happens in the forest are made by people like you and me-individual landowners.
The forest industry contributes $1.4 billion to the state’s economy supporting over 18,500 jobs. If you add forest-based recreation, the number doubles to $2.8 billion. The industry is made up of loggers, foresters, truckers and sawmillers.
D.H. Hardwick & Sons, Inc. is an active supporter of the Forest Products Industry.
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Northern Woodlands
Timber Harvesting
To learn more, click on the following associations, promoting sustainable forestry.
Contact D.H. Hardwick & Sons for your Professional Logging and Landclearing needs.
Tons of Forest Info found at the UNH Webite!
New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association
Timber Harvesting Forest Society
NH Division of Forests and Lands
Northeastern Loggers Association
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